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  3. How to Propagate Spider Plant? Step by Step Guide

How to Propagate Spider Plant? Step by Step Guide

Learn easy methods for how to propagate spider plants, including using water cuttings, soil cuttings, dividing the plant, and growing baby spiderettes. Simple steps to expand your plant collection effortlessly!

by Madhumitha

Updated Oct 03, 2024

How to Propagate Spider Plant? Step by Step Guide

How to Propagate Spider Plant?

Spider plants are popular houseplants known for their easy care and air-purifying qualities. Propagating them is a simple and rewarding process that allows you to create new plants from the original. Whether you want to expand your collection or share it with friends, there are several easy methods to propagate spider plants successfully.

1. Using Water Cuttings

To propagate spider plants using water cuttings, start by cutting a healthy baby spider plant, also known as an offset, from the main plant. Place this cutting in a jar of water, ensuring that the bottom part is submerged.

It’s important to change the water every few days to keep it fresh. After a few weeks, you’ll notice roots beginning to grow. Once the roots are a few inches long, you can transfer the cutting into a pot with soil to continue its growth.

How to Propagate Spider Plant? Step by Step Guide

2. Using Soil Cuttings

Another method is to propagate using soil cuttings. First, cut a baby spider plant from the parent plant. You can dip the cut end in rooting hormone if you have it, as this can help encourage root growth.

Next, plant the cutting in a small pot filled with soil, making sure it is buried properly. Water it lightly and place the pot in a warm, bright spot where it can get plenty of light. In a few weeks, the cutting should start to grow roots and thrive.

How to Propagate Spider Plant? Step by Step Guide

3. Dividing the Plant

Dividing the plant is an effective way to propagate spider plants. To do this, carefully remove the spider plant from its pot, being gentle with the roots. Once it’s out, gently pull apart the root ball to create smaller sections, ensuring that each section has some roots attached.

After separating the sections, plant each one in its own pot filled with fresh soil. Water them lightly and place them in a suitable location for growth.

How to Propagate Spider Plant? Step by Step Guide

4. Using Stolons

You can also propagate spider plants by using stolons, which are long stems that produce baby plants at the end. Look for these stolons on your spider plant, and cut them off with scissors.

Once cut, you can plant these baby plants directly into the soil. Make sure to water them well to help them establish roots. This method is straightforward and can produce new plants quickly.

How to Propagate Spider Plant? Step by Step Guide

How Often to Water Spider Plant?

Spider plants are easy to care for when it comes to watering. You can water your spider plant at the same time you water your other houseplants. Generally, it's best to water your spider plant about once a week. However, it’s important to let the soil dry out a little between waterings. This helps prevent overwatering, which can lead to root rot.

To check if your spider plant needs water, stick your finger about an inch into the soil. If it feels dry, it's time to water. When you do water, make sure to give it enough so that the excess drains out from the bottom of the pot. This ensures the roots get the moisture they need. With this simple routine, your spider plant will stay healthy and thrive!

How to Care for a Spider Plant?

Caring for a spider plant is easy and perfect for people with busy lifestyles. Here are some simple tips to keep your spider plant happy:


Only water your spider plant when the top two inches of soil feel dry. This is usually about once a week. In autumn and winter, you can water it less often.

How to Propagate Spider Plant? Step by Step Guide


Spider plants like bright but indirect sunlight. Avoid placing them in direct sun, as it can burn their leaves. They grow well in medium light, like on a desk or a shelf.

How to Propagate Spider Plant? Step by Step Guide


Spider plants can handle most temperatures, as long as they’re not in direct heat or freezing cold.

How to Propagate Spider Plant? Step by Step Guide

Extra Care:

Occasionally mist the plant and wipe the leaves to remove dust. Snip off any brown tips. For a boost, you can give it a little liquid fertilizer during the warmer months.

How to Propagate Spider Plant? Step by Step Guide

Spider Plant Babies

Spider plant babies, also called "spiderettes," are small plants that grow from the mother spider plant. These baby plants look like tiny versions of the main plant, with long, thin leaves. You can easily turn them into new plants by cutting them off the mother plant.

Once you cut a spiderette, you can place it in water or plant it directly in the soil. Over time, the baby plant will grow its own roots and become a full spider plant. This makes it very easy to create new plants from the original ones!

How to Propagate Spider Plant? Step by Step Guide

Where to Cut Spider Plants Babies?

To cut spider plant babies, you should cut just below the area where the roots are starting to form. This is usually found under the leafy base of the baby plant.

Once you have cut the baby plant, you can grow it by placing it in water or planting it directly in soil. The baby will then start to grow roots and become a new spider plant!

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